About David
David Morrow is an Agile Solution Architect for Insight Global’s professional services division, Evergreen. In this role, he works on a client solutions team that seeks to understand client needs and expectations. He also leads Insight Global’s Agile Summits, a two-day leadership-focused exploration into why all organizations need to be built in an Agile way.
Morrow has more than 20 years of experience as an agilest. He enjoys discovering better ways of working and helping companies achieve the cultural and mindset changes they crave. His years of technical background and consulting make him a skilled solution provider. He has experience working in banking, marketing, manufacturing, and consumer industries. Industry peers frequently call upon Morrow for leadership training and support.
Prior to joining Insight Global, Morrow was the Senior Agile Coach at Slalom. Other notable roles include Agile Coach and Trainer for Platinum Edge and Agile Quality Assurance Consultant for The Coca-Cola Company.
Morrow is also the founder of Devnext, Inc., where he served as CEO for 15 years. His work included business development, architecture, team building, Agile coaching, and product management.
Morrow is a graduate of Troy University. He is the co-author of Scrum for Dummies (2nd edition) and the technical editor of Agile Project Management for Dummies. Morrow holds multiple Agile and Scrum certifications.
Thought Leadership by David